Corn poppy is commonly known as Corn Flower Poppy / common Poppy / Papaver Rhoeas / Wild Poppy. Corn Poppy is a widely spread weed of a poppy plant, corn Poppy is an edible plant and has a positive correlation with human health, corn Poppy is also grown for decorative purposes in gardens.
Corn Poppy seeds are tiny black and brown and very easy to plant, corn Poppy flowers are very beautiful red in color and give a mesmerizing look in the garden. The Corn Poppy plant is a wild plant that can naturally grow in the field.
The Corn Poppy is a medicinally rich plant its leaves and seeds are used for medicinal purposes. It is grown in all around the world.
It signifies the First World War because, after the First World War at the places of devastation, large-scale flowering of red corn poppy is seen in the spring season, this flower is also dedicated to the blood of fallen during the First World War.
The Corn poppy is a weed of the Poppy plant, The corn Poppy mimics the structure of the poppy plant, that why it is called the corn Poppy.
its other names are common poppy, wild poppy, corn rose, field poppy, Flanders poppy, and red poppy. The scientific name of the Corn poppy is Papaver Rhoeas.
Table of Contents
Parts of corn poppy plant
Stem Part

The corn Poppy is a straight plant that grows up to 70cm in height. The stem of a corn Poppy has only one flower. In some corn poppy plants, small straight hairs are seen.
You may also see a plant with no hair-like structure in the stem it is also a corn poppy plant that may be of different variety. The stem part of the corn poppy has leaves and at the top, the flower bud later transforms into a beautiful flower.

The leaves of corn poppy are simply lobed or unloved but are not separated into leaflets. There is one leaf per node along the stem. The edges of the leaf blade have tooth-type and lobe-type appearance.
Flower Part

The flower of the corn poppy is 4-5 cm in size, the size of the corn poppy may vary some varieties have larger flowers and some have small-sized flowers.
The flower of the corn poppy has 4 petals in some cases and a variety of more petaled corn poppy flowers are seen.
The corn poppy flower is very delicate it only exists for 1-2 days after that the flower spreads and forms a capsule that holds seeds.
The color of the corn poppy flower is red, commonly red corn poppy flower variety is seen in fields. The flower is dark red or maybe sometimes light red with a black spot at the base of the petal.
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Root Part

The root part of the corn poppy is the tap root, the root of the corn poppy is straight one thick root grows directly downwards and is normally 20 cm deep in soil.

the corn poppy seeds are very tiny in size black and brown in size, when the flower part of the corn poppy plant gets pollinated and forms a capsule with the passage of time the capsule matures and gets dry and splits on its own by spreading seeds naturally into the soil, the seeds remain in the soil till the next season of growth and grow naturally in the wild.
How to grow corn poppy?
The corn poppy is a wild naturally growing flower, and we can also grow it in our garden, The corn poppy plant is very easy to grow, and its red flower looks very beautiful enhancing the beauty of the garden here are some guidance steps for growing corn poppy.
- Seed Variety – There are many varieties of corn poppy nowadays available in the market commonly red corn poppy varieties are available easily, take any variety if use are using it for only garden purposes, for seed collection, and for eatable use the variety of corn poppy with no hairs are good. One seed forms one bunch of flowers with 20 -30 flowers in one bunch.
- Sowing Season – This flower we have to sow this in February normally because at that time and after February surrounding temperature begins to rise and be suitable for the growth of any flower, you can also sow it in January because corn poppy seeds remain underneath the soil and grow when suitable temperature attains. Sunlight is needed for this plant to grow.
- Soil sowing – The soil should be good and enriched with water before digging, it helps dig easily. Take one seed and put the seed with a finger as the deep one finger can go into the soil freely only that deep sow the seed. No need for overnight sowing of seed into water. After seed sowing regular watering soil until the seed sprouts into new life and sprouts new growth seen outside the soil.
- Plant Growth – Normally it takes time to seed sprout out of the soil, plant growth depends on sunlight, water, and temperature. Sometimes seed does not take time to grow out and sometimes it may take time depending upon environmental factors and soil richness. after some, it may look like a bunch of leaves growing out of the soil as normally spinach vegetables grow later the stem part of the flower starts growing.
- Stem Growth – the stem growth occurs upward straight and one seed grows many stems in a bunch-like structure, leaves grow simultaneously to the stem but the stem step part has more height and the leaves occur in the bottom part of the stem, in the early stages the stem part of corn poppy is very fragile. It may look like grass.
- Bud formation – The bud formation starts when the stem grows to its last height and at the tip bud formation occurs, there is also simultaneous growth of other buds in another branch in one bunch of a plant.
- Flowering – The flowering of the corn poppy starts in March and continues to April month. We can say that March and April are flower months for the corn poppy, the flower of corn poppy is red and looks beautiful with red petals and a red dot at the bottom of the petals, the flower of corn poppy is very delicate and looks beautiful in the garden at spring. the flowering occurs only for 2- 3 days, after that flower shreds naturally.
- Fruit/seed collection – After pollination, the petals of the plant spread automatically and form a capsule, and inside the capsule seed formation occurs, after 1-2 weeks the capsule becomes dry, and on its own, the seed drops down into the soil. If you want to store seeds then when the capsule becomes dry check one of the capsules for seed formation if the capsule contains black or brown color tiny seeds then it means the seeds are prepared for collection, then pluck the plant from the soil and shed the capsule into the container so that you can collect seed.
What is the corn poppy used for?
In some areas corn poppy is used for medicinal purposes, scientifically proven that corn poppy is an eatable plant and positively correlates with the human body.
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The corn poppy is used for two purposes one for flower gardening and the second for food items.
flowering purpose – the corn poppy is a very beautiful red-colored flower and very easy to grow and used in many countries for decoration purposes and gardening people love to grow corn poppy plants in their gardens, or backyard, The corn poppy plant also symbolizes the First World War deceased as the Corn poppy signifies the blood of fallen in the first World war.
Food items – the corn poppy is eaten in many parts of the country, and many recipes are made from corn poppy plant leaves and seed parts.
The leaves of corn poppy are used as green vegetables we can use corn poppy leaves in solid form, the seed part of corn poppy has crunchiness in it, the seed part of corn poppy can be eaten raw or we can use it as an ingredient in bread,
we can boil it with milk and honey, we can also roast it as popcorn and enjoy it, oil is also made with the seed of corn poppy.
The red petals of corn poppy contain red dye used in wine formation, corn poppy is also used for aches and pains. know about How to grow Dictamnus albus
Can we eat corn poppy seeds?
yes, we can eat corn poppy seeds, the corn poppy seeds can be enjoyed in different ways and can make different food items or dishes with corn poppy seeds. here are different ways or dishes to enjoy corn poppy seeds
- Corn poppy seed popcorn – you can slightly roast corn poppy seed in low flame to make it crispy and enjoy it after cooling or putting roasted corn poppy seed in pastry, in milk, or mix corn poppy roasted seed with honey for a sweeter taste.
- Corn poppy seeds can be used as different puddings because they are crunchy in taste and you can eat corn poppy seeds as boiling with milk and add some honey in boiled milk it can become your Sunday happy light breakfast.
- corn poppy seed oil – In some countries corn poppy seed oil is also extracted and used for cooking purposes. You can read about Sansevieria Plant
What color is corn poppy?
The corn poppy plant is of green color, the color of stem and leaves are green, the root part of the corn poppy plant is white as the root part of the corn poppy plant is a tap root, and the flower of the corn poppy plant is red.
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The flower of the corn poppy plant occurs at the tip of the stem and the petals of the corn poppy plant are red with black dots in the base of the petal with 3 -4 petals in one flower.
Benefits of corn poppy
The corn poppy plant has benefits in its way the leaf part, and the seed parts have health benefits and the flower part has its own beauty, here are some benefits of the corn poppy plant.
Iron-rich – The leaves of corn poppy are rich and are eatable, the leaves of corn poppy used in vegetable form or you can use them in solid form. The wild corn poppy has no side effects on health and is scientifically proven rich in Iron content. Trifolium repens or White clover
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Seed benefits as an eatable item – The seeds of corn poppy in many traditions are used as to make different food items and it helps in pain relief. The seed part of corn poppy is also nonpoisonous and nonsedative.
Seed benefits as oil – In some traditions corn poppy seeds extracted oil is also used for different cooking purposes. It can be used as edible oil or body applying oil depending on how you want to use it, Make sure you are not allergic to this plant or plant product.
Decorative Purpose – the corn poppy plant flower is a beautiful red-colored flower and one seed produces a bunch of flowers it is a very good and beautiful flower to grow in a garden as gives a red colored magnificent view in the backyard or garden.
You have seen many wild red-colored corn poppy flowers in bunches in different fields as they are on their own naturally in some areas.
Benefits as dyes – the corn poppy flower is used for red-colored dyes, and the red color of the flower is used in many areas to extract the red-colored dye.Crassula umbella
Benefits of wine making – the wine formation is done with the flower part of the corn poppy plant, in many countries red-colored wines are made from the red-colored corn poppy flower.
Cost-effective – the seed of the corn poppy is easily available in the market and is cost-effective, there are several varieties in the market of different colors and sizes of corn poppy flower.
The seed remains in the soil – the quality of corn poppy seed is that, at the time of seed maturation if the capsule-bearing seed breaks and the seed falls into the soil, the seed remains safe in the soil, grows on its own naturally when the suitable environment and season arrives.