Before moving to the main topic “Vegetative buds and flower buds” we should have a short idea about What are buds. A bud is formed of continuously dividing tissue called meristematic tissue, these tissues are found in branches, stems, and tips of plants. this tissue helps in the growth of plants, the bud is also a meristematic tissue.
The bud is found in the tip of branches or at a node of the stem and grows in the form of new shoots, leaves, and a flower. The buds are common of two types one which produces Shoots or leaves, and the other which produces flowers that lead to the production of fruit.
Table of Contents
What are the types of Buds?
Buds are classified on a different basis as a functional basis, and position Basis.
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Functional Basis
There are four types of functional basis bud as mentioned below:-
Vegetative Buds
The Vegetative buds are made of meristematic tissue which forms leaves on a plant, Vegetative buds contain unexpanded leaves in it.
Reproductive Buds/ Flower buds
The flower buds are also called reproductive buds these buds contain meristematic tissue of flowers, and reproductive buds contain unfoldings of flower tissue, the flower buds are also called fruit buds in fruit-bearing plants.
Mixed Buds
The Mixed Buds in this the buds unfold tissues of both leaves and flower bearing. This kind of bud is commonly found in plants of apples, pears, etc. Peach tree pollination
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Compounds Buds
The buds contain a compound of Vegetative buds or two or more buds forming leaves or also contain a compound of fruit buds. This kind of bud is commonly found in the plant of grapes.
Positional Basis
There are three types of Positional Basis bud as mentioned below:-
Apical / Terminal Buds
The buds that are grown at the tip of a long shoot or we can say buds originated at the tip of the branch, can be Vegetative buds or flower buds. This kind of bud is commonly found in the plants of mango, banana, walnut, litchi, apple, pear, etc
Lateral / Axillary Buds
The buds which are found at the axil of leaves or the nodes of the branches, are mainly seen in stone fruits. This kind of bud is commonly found in the plant of plum, cherry, date palm, mulberry, etc
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Adventitious Buds
These are buds formed of meristem tissue and originated in unusual places for example origin of stem from a new root and shoots
What is the Difference between Fruit Buds and Vegetative Buds?
It seemed very difficult to identify differences between fruit buds and vegetative buds/ leaf buds, here are some simple learning to spot fruit buds and vegetative buds, the spring month is the perfect time to look at the growth of different buds and the result of the growth of buds.
Some key differences between fruit buds and vegetative buds
- The fruit bud generally looks fluffier, fat, and furry, and seen a few inches distinct to the stem they arrises, some times you see at the tip of the new stem swollen bud definitely it is a fruit bud.
- The vegetative buds are buds that are seen to stick to the stem and are flat, slim, and smooth in morphology. some plants have compound buds but buds in all varieties of plants are differentiated by their morphology. the vegetative bud is always smaller in size than fruit buds.
these are some key points to differentiate fruit buds and vegetative buds.