
Dragon fruit plant: History, Type, Propogation

The dragon fruit plant is a plant of the cactus family. It is a tropical or sub-tropical fruit that belongs to the climbing cactaceae family. It has received worldwide recognition first as an ornamental plant and then as a fruit crop. It was originally native to deserts of North and South America, from the center of origin Dragon fruit plant has spread to tropical subtropical America, Asia, Australia, and the Middle East

What is the other name of Dragon fruit?

Dragon fruit plant

The original dragon fruit is called Pitahaya, the real name of the Dragon fruit in the Latin American language is Pitahaya and there are two types of pitahaya. The Pitaya is the columnar type that grows in the desert. The Pitaya is columnar to north across the desert in Arizona and the desert of Mexico it’s a small fruit with prawns. The more popular one in America is Pitahaya nowadays called Dragon fruit. The pitahaya normally grew up in Central America and part of Colombia.

The fruit of Dragon fruit plant is the most beautiful fruit of the Cactaceae family with bright red skin with scales and pulpy white or red flesh with tiny black seeds.

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History of dragon fruit plant

Historical evidence shows that many years ago French people took the Dragon fruit plant (pitahaya) from Central America and introduced it to Vietnam. At that time Dragon fruit plant was grown for the king, and later with time, it became popular among the common population. How to grow Blueberries Plants from Bought Blueberries

Vietnam has favorable environmental conditions for Dragon fruit plants and tropical fruit plants. Nowadays Vietnam is the largest producer of Dragon fruit ( Pitahaya) in the world. It is now grown all over the world and is well-established in Australia, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Taiwan, China, Israel, and India.

Why did its name change from Pitahaya to Dragon Fruit?

The dragon fruit’s name was given to Pitahaya by some people who find it difficult to pronounce Pitahaya because of its unique looks as the spikes in the dragon fruit look like fire and its scales resemble dragons.

This name has been given by different people over time and nowadays the name fascinates people and makes people curious about the fruit, One of the reasons other than nutritional value the name of the fruit makes it more popular.

Common names for Dragon fruit in different languages

  • In English  Dragon fruit is also called differently as Strawberry Pear, Res pitaya, Night blooming Cereus, Belle of the Night, and Queen of the Night.
  • In Mexico Dragon fruit is also called Pitajava, Tasajo, Pitaya roja, and Flor de Calis.
  • In Portuguese also called Cato-barse, Cardo-ananas.
  • In the Vietnamese language, Dragon fruit is called Thanh long.
  • In Swedish other name for dragon fruit is Rud pitahya, Dachenfr skogskatus, Distelbirn, Echtestachelbrin.
  • In Spanish the name for Dragon fruit is Chaca, chak-wob, Reina de la noche, Pithaya orejona, flora de caliz.
  • In the Indian language, Dragon fruit is famous for dragon fruit as spoken worldwide.
  • In China, dragon fruit is called Zunlongguo.
  • In French Dragon fuit is called as Pithaya rouge, porie de chardon. 

What are the Types of Dragon fruit plants?

Dragon fruit plant

The Dragon fruit plant belongs to the Cactaceae family and has many cultivating species but, few species are of economic value that as

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We can also distinguish the Dragon fruit plant from the color of the flesh or pulp of the Dragon fruit, the white flesh dragon fruit, and Pink flesh dragon fruit.

How we can grow dragon fruit plants?

The dragon fruit plant is grown from seed, the seed inside the fruit is very small in size and we can easily extract the seed from the inside of the dragon fruit and sow it into the soil.

The dragon fruit plant can also be grown by directly cutting the stem of the dragon plant and burying it in the soil. The dragon fruit is a species of cactus and is grown well in the environment as the cactus plants are grown.

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What are the benefits of having Dragon fruit?

The dragon fruit plant is rich in many things, The dragon fruit plant contains lots of water to help in dehydration. It helps in persons with iron deficiency its red pigmentation has the richness of iron.

The research has shown evidence that it is helpful for patients with cancer. Some sugar-free varieties of dragon fruit are helpful for diabetic patients. For more health benefits of dragon fruit click here Top 10 health benefits of dragon fruit?

How we can get a Dragon fruit?

We can get dragon fruit from nearby supermarkets or nowadays home delivery of fruits is also available. We can get dragon fruit from a nearby farm.

Top 10 health benefits of dragon fruit?

How to Cut a Dragon Fruit

To cut a dragon fruit, first, slice off the ends. Then, make vertical cuts to remove the skin. Cut the flesh into slices or cubes, depending on individual choices. Read more about how to cut a dragon fruit

There are many ways to enjoy the dragon fruit. You can simply eat it fresh by scooping out the flesh with a spoon. It’s also great in the taste of smoothies, salads, fruit bowls, or as a topping for yogurt or oatmeal.

Moreover, you can use it in desserts like sorbets or fruit tarts. Experiment along with this fruit and find your favorite way to enjoy its unique flavor and texture!

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